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2023/3/3 - d-Limonene 1000 mg 60 capsules is temporarily out of stock.

2023/1/24 - L-Lysine Orotate 50 capsules is temporarily out of stock.

2022/6/13 - Ostinol 450 30 capsules is now back in stock!

2022/2/14 - GUNA - INF ALPHA 30 ml has been discontinued or is on long term backorder.

2022/2/10 - Syntra-T6 180 capsules is temporarily out of stock.

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>> Home >> All Manufacturers >> Manufacturer: Life Extension

Manufacturer: Life Extension

112 Items from Life Extension. Ordered by Name Ascending

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#ItemShort Description
Grapeseed Extract with Resveratrol & Pterostilbene
by Life Extension
60 capsules
MSRP: $36.00
Our Price: $27.00

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The best of the grapevine in one capsule.
by Life Extension
60 capsules
MSRP: $50.00
Our Price: $36.50

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It's good for the stomach, the liver, and much more.
Immune Modulator with Tinofend
by Life Extension
60 capsules
MSRP: $17.00
Our Price: $15.25

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Balanced immune response.
Immune Senescence Protection Formula
by Life Extension
60 vegetarian capsules
MSRP: $36.00
Our Price: $27.00

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Complementary herbs for an aging immune system.
Integra-Lean Irvingia
by Life Extension
60 capsules
MSRP: $28.00
Our Price: $17.95

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The final answer for weight loss?
Krill Healthy Joint Formula
by Life Extension
30 capsules
MSRP: $32.00
Our Price: $21.85

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If it's good enough for whales...
L - Theanine
by Life Extension
60 capsules
MSRP: $24.00
Our Price: $18.00

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From green tea, a natural relaxer.
by Life Extension
60 capsules
MSRP: $52.00
Our Price: $40.00

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One of the body's first lines of defense.
Life Extension Cat Mix
by Life Extension
100 grams
MSRP: $15.00
Our Price: $11.25

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Better health for your cat.
Life Extension Dog Mix
by Life Extension
100 grams
MSRP: $19.50
Our Price: $14.63

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This product targets areas of nutrition that are commonly inadequate, or that are proven to be valuable for the treatment and prevention of common diseases.

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